It's no news to anyone that technology has come, but the truth is you know that it's already here to stay. In this article, we will highlight the fact of...
There are many marketing directors who wonder how to choose online media agency. Advertising in third-party channels is growing. More and more advertisers are opting (more…)
Big Data can be classified through its 3 main characteristics. The 3 characteristics of big data are volume, variety, and velocity). To these, three more can be added: viability, visualization,...
The augmented reality devices takes years experiencing unstoppable development. We have known some great successes that used this technology to hook users. (more…)
Samsung Galaxy M will be the new family of smartphones of the South Korean company. Said family would be sister concern of the series A. It will have very similar...
Many are already professionals who know the importance of including Pinterest in the marketing strategy. Since its inception,. It has been in the focus of sellers for the extraordinary (more…)
Face recognition is a modern progressive technology, with which intelligent devices can identify a person by an image. It is hard to disagree that the introduction of this technology into...
Whether you’re opening a new restaurant or looking to update your existing one, technology has to be at the forefront of your decision making. Deploying the right innovations at all...
The Dream League Soccer game is a simple but fun game at the same time. In this game we will be able to play with some fictitious teams throughout a...