6 social network marketing tips to increase engagement

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6 social network marketing tips to increase engagement

During your marketing plan, it is very important to generate content on social networks. Thanks to these platforms, it will be easier to reach different audience segments looking for your product or service, since millions of people connect to these networks every day. Our social network marketing tips will increase engagement. Let’s discover.

Do not forget that social networks are people talking to people around common interests and tastes. If your interest as a company on the internet is to achieve sales, dissemination, reach or other objectives. In big data technology, you will find lots of data. Of course, it creates attractive and interesting contents.

6 social network marketing tips

Let’s review 6 essential social network marketing tips to advance your strategy in these media right now.

Know your audience

1. Know your audience perfectly

If you already have a time undertaking marketing strategies in social networks, you already have certain knowledge of the public that follows you. But how to take advantage of that information to take your plan to a higher level of success?

-Using the insights provided by each social network: the valuable data of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram related to your audience, are worth their weight in gold since they allow knowing habits, tastes, preferences, demographic characteristics and level of interaction with your content. Thanks to this, it is possible to understand the public better and know where they come from, what they are interested in and what they are paying less attention to.

-Observe your comments and suggestions: comment boxes are valuable tools for a digital marketing plan. The views of the audience can be the starting point for the development of campaigns that include even more personalized content.

-Ask directly to your audience: the direct deal with your customers, prospects, and followers, will yield excellent results. Have you tried asking your opinion about the content you share, or about the quality of your product or service? All this will help you to better understand your interests and personal vision on the identity of your brand.

Request collaboration

2. Request collaboration from your audience

The content generated by the users, will be an exciting way to communicate with them and also strengthens your marketing plan . This technique is ideal to carry out in social media, for several reasons:

-It allows the public to express their ideas and opinions: much of the taste for social networks consist of the relative freedom it provides to dialogue on different topics. Therefore, user-generated content is the perfect opportunity for your followers and prospects to show their creative talent.

-It may lead to future collaborative projects: although it is not the main goal, probably among your fan base is your next star editor. Therefore, pay attention to each of the collaborations to find those that shine for originality and quality out of the ordinary.

-It helps to generate attention in social networks: the free publicity that a campaign of this type creates is invaluable. Also, it allows your brand to be recognized as a dynamic entity and close to its audience.

To achieve the success of this type of strategy, give valuable incentives to the winners and participants, according to the rules of your plan. These range from discount coupons to free products and the promotion of social networks of users.

Take advantages

3. Take advantages

Knowing each social medium deeply will contribute to the natural success of your marketing plan since each of them has characteristics that indicate the direction of your content, as follows:

-LinkedIn: is the ideal network for your B2B marketing strategies, aimed at establishing fruitful relationships with brands interested in your services. The professional, sober and educational content is the answer to achieve it in this medium.

-Facebook: a marketing plan in this network, includes linking the most interesting publications of your corporate blog, as well as the creation of original, fresh and fun information. Remember that the largest demographic group of this platform are users between 25 and 34 years old, who prefer dynamic and relevant content.

-Instagram:, the campaigns focused on the visual aspect, are those that will achieve success in this network. However, it is not enough to publish videos and photographs. A plan on Instagram includes the proper use of hashtags, as well as taking advantage of IGTV sales to win the audience.

-YouTube: the video tutorials, as well as the advertising campaigns based on emotional marketing, will yield great results in this social environment.

-Twitter: the public of this network pays attention to the flashy headlines that invite them to explore interesting contents, oriented to satisfy their multiple needs. Therefore, optimize your links and add powerful images that complement the main idea.

Make your brand stand out

4. Make your brand stand out from the competition

The public distrusts those brands that do not communicate with them on social networks. Therefore, it is necessary for each user to know that there are real and professional people behind each network, ready to solve their needs as soon as possible.

An excellent way to achieve this is through Live Streaming. This type of transmissions. In addition to serving as a bridge to strengthen the communication between brand and followers, will allow the audience to meet the company’s personnel.

For this type of events, it is also advisable to follow these tips:

  • Promote days in advance through the social network in question.
  • The transmission must be in charge of someone with sufficient charisma to generate visits and interaction.
  • Attake the opportunity to promote any other event related to the brand, as well as invite the public to visit your different digital media.

images and videos

5. The images and videos

Not only on Instagram do photos and videos matter. Also in media such as Twitter or Facebook, you will attract users when using these formats. How can you do it to achieve greater interaction?

-Combine original images with stock photos and infographics: each image in high quality, related to your promotion plan, should communicate an attractive idea to your audience, at first sight. Therefore, it uses original material, as well as copyright-free images with phrases optimized with keywords and combines this content with infographics.

-Create interesting videos for Facebook and Instagram: all you need is a smartphone that records in HD, an interesting script and an editing program. The audience seeks originality and fun, so connect with it by producing videos that provide solutions to their needs.

Call to Action

6. Call to Action is important to your plan

In addition to generating content in high-quality social networks, it is also important to include CTAs that invite the public to perform certain actions to meet the goals of the plan. These can be the download of electronic products, take advantage of discount coupons, visit eCommerce to make a direct purchase, or go to a landing page to provide their data, which will be used in communication via email.

Therefore, it includes the Call to Action in strategic places, without invading the user’s space. On Instagram, for example, include a link in your profile and invite followers to visit it. On Facebook, link your CTAs in the comments boxes so that the audience naturally comes to them after appreciating the content. Of the same, way, include them in the descriptions of YouTube and the links of Twitter.

The content in social networks should be oriented to the generation of prospects, to achieve the goals of the plan outlined. Take advantage of the information of the 6 social network marketing tips to please the public and turn them into secure clients. In Posted in we have all the tools to create content that will boost your strategy in social media, get to know us and choose a plan that suits your budget and needs.

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