You may have drafted your value proposition in the early stages and seen considerable benefits come in. This would likely lead you to assume your Member Value Proposition (MVP) is on target for outlining what your members need, and that they understand the value that you can offer to them.
You may however want to review whether it is still on target and fit for its original purpose. Whilst you may continue to have success in rising membership levels and strong engagement, it is worth seeking assurance that you are capturing all potential members – not just a subset or certain type – and continuing to review on a regular basis. This is particularly important if your company is evolving as it grows or if the environment that it operates in has seen any significant changes since your company was first set up.
When revisiting your MVP, it is advisable to take a look back at the purpose and reasons for creating it – for a bullet point list of reasons see (Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society. These include displaying to your members how your company adds value from what it does, to assist in building loyalty and trust to strengthen the relationship, and to encourage new members to sign up. More internally focused gains include giving prominence to member benefits, for the development of strategy and leadership focus, and promoting the company’s purpose to aid staff recruitment and ongoing motivation.
To fully evaluate your MVP, a broad review allows you to determine if it remains fit for purpose. For example, by looking at the wording, in terms of the language used, and its scope in how it meets members’ needs and avoids their pain points.
There are tools and techniques that can be used to review an MVP. Your existing membership data is a useful source, and it is well worth including within your review an assessment of the communications and frequency of contact with members. Membership management systems allow for easy and comprehensive analysis of membership information, such as those found here
With a refreshed MVP, you can be assured that your members will understand and be motivated, your staff can focus on what matters to members, and you will have reflected your company in the best possible way.