If you are planning to make some changes to your garden, your fence may be one of the things that you want to replace. However, before you dive straight in and get someone like this fencing Leicester based company directfencingandcontracting.com/services/fencing-leicester to come over and start replacing an old fence, it is important that you stay on the right side of the law, and your neighbours!
Firstly you need to consider the height of the fence – there are laws around the maximum fence height in the UK, however this is something that varies from area to area, so you should check with your local authority to find out what the maximum height is.
You also need to know which fence is yours. The ownership of the fence that is your own is something that you can find on the deeds for your property. Although it is a common belief that the right side of the fence is always your own, it is not something that is always the case so do make sure you check the deeds.
If you have a problem with a fence that isn’t yours, there actually isn’t a lot that you can do about it. If you have an issue with a damaged fence that needs to be replaced that isn’t yours, the best thing to do is to speak to your neighbour about it as it is their responsibility to change it.
Painting a fence is another thing that could cause trouble if you aren’t aware of the law. A fence that is on a shared boundary needs both neighbours’ agreement to have it painted.