An Introduction to Kitchen Cabinet Wrapping

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An Introduction to Kitchen Cabinet Wrapping

A kitchen refurb doesn’t always mean a complete overhaul and starting from scratch. You can save time and money and still breathe new life into your kitchen through cabinet wrapping. So, let’s take a look at what that is and why it’s a good idea.

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What is Cabinet Wrapping?

Cabinet wrapping involves covering your existing cabinets with a vinyl film which can mimic various materials such as wood, metal or even textured patterns. Your kitchen will look brand new, so it’s a great option for homeowners wanting a kitchen refurb without the disruption or cost of a full one (which can come later if you want).

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Benefits of Cabinet Wrapping

Cost-Effective: Cabinet wrapping is significantly cheaper than replacing cabinets and it allows you to achieve a high-end look at a fraction of the price.

Quick Installation: Unlike traditional renovations, which can take weeks, cabinet wrapping can often be completed within a few days.

Variety of Styles: With a wide range of colours, textures, and patterns available, you can make your kitchen look exactly as you want it to.

Durability: High-quality vinyl wraps are resistant to scratches, heat, and moisture.

The Process of Cabinet Wrapping

Preparation: The first step involves cleaning the cabinet surfaces to ensure they are free of grease and grime. Remove any existing hardware like handles and knobs.

Measurement and Cutting: Accurate measurements are taken, and the vinyl film is cut to fit the dimensions of the cabinet doors and frames.

Application: The vinyl film is carefully applied to the cabinet surfaces. This step requires precision to avoid bubbles and ensure a smooth finish.

Maintenance and Longevity

Cabinet wraps are easy to look after. Simply wipe them down with a damp sponge and mild detergent to keep them looking new. With proper care, a high-quality vinyl wrap can last up to 10 years, making it a long-term solution for kitchen updates, and well worth speaking to a kitchen specialist like about.


Kitchen cabinet wrapping is a fantastic way to modernise your kitchen without the inconvenience and expense of a full renovation.

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